
Internal data structures are outdated. Please contact us for details.

Internal data structures

This section is meant for advanced users. PLynx exposes Rest API for creating Graphs and Nodes and monitoring their states. We will give you an overview of these objects below.

Table of Contents


Graph is a basic structure of experiments. The Graph defines layout of Operations and Files and their dependancies. See intro-graph.

Field Name Type Description
_id STRING Unique ID of the Graph.
title STRING Title string of the Graph.
description STRING Description string of the Graph.
author STRING ID of the author.
graph_running_status STRING Current status. Graph Running Status
insertion_date STRING Date time when the record was created in format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%LZ.
update_date STRING Date time when the record was updated in format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%LZ.
nodes LIST List for the nodes. See Node.
_readonly BOOLEAN Flag that shows if current user has write access to this object.

Graph Running Status

Value Description
CREATED Initial state of the Graph. Users can make changes in it.
READY The Graph was approved. No changes accepted.
RUNNING Master took control over the Graph and is working on execution.
SUCCESS Execution of the Graph finished successfully.
FAILED_WAITING One or more Operations failed during execution. Waiting for the rest of operations to be canceled.
FAILED One or more Operations failed during execution.
CANCELED User canceled execution.


Operations and Files are derived from Nodes. See intro-node.

Field Name Type Description
_id STRING Unique ID of the Node.
title STRING Title string of the Node.
description STRING Description string of the Node.
author STRING ID of the author.
node_running_status STRING Status of the Node inside a Graph. Node Running Status
node_status STRING Status of the Node. Node Status
insertion_date STRING Date time when the record was created in format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%LZ.
update_date STRING Date time when the record was updated in format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%LZ.
_readonly BOOLEAN Flag that shows if current user has write access to this object.
base_node_name STRING Base Node name. plynx-concepts-base_node_name
cache_url STRING URL to the cached operation.
parent_node_id STRING Reference to the parent Node. It refers to nodes collection.
starred BOOLEAN Flag is set to true if the Node is prioritized.
successor_node_id STRING If the Node is deprecated this field will reference to a successor in nodes collection.
x INTEGER X position in the Graph.
y INTEGER Y position in the Graph.
inputs LIST List for the Inputs. See Input.
parameters LIST List for the Parameters. See Parameter.
logs LIST List for the Logs. See Log.
outputs LIST List for the Outputs. See Output.


Field Name Type Description
name STRING Name of the Input.
file_types LIST List of file types. See plynx-plugins-file_types.
values LIST List of Values. See Input Value.
min_count INTEGER Minimum number of Inputs.
max_count INTEGER Maximum number of Inputs.

Input Value

Field Name Type Description
node_id STRING ID of the Node the Operation depends on in a Graph.
output_id STRING Name of the Output in the Operation it depends on.
resource_id STRING Reference to a resource.


Field Name Type Description
name STRING Name of the Parameter.
parameter_type LIST List of parameter types. See intro-parameter_types.
value - Type is specific to parameter type.
mutable_type BOOLEAN Flag specifies if user can change parameter_type.
removable BOOLEAN Flag specifies if user can remove the Parameter.
publicable BOOLEAN Flag specifies if user can publish the Parameter.
widget OBJECT Null of Object with the field alias. It contains the name of the parameter in the UI.


Field Name Type Description
name STRING Name of the Output.
file_type STRING File type. See plynx-plugins-file_types.
resource_id STRING Reference to the file.


Similar to Output. Field file_type is always set to file.

Node Running Status

This enum describes the state of the Node in the Graph.

Value Description
STATIC Usually Files have this status. This status never change.
CREATED Initial state of the Node in the Graph.
IN_QUEUE Operation is ready to be executed.
RUNNING A worker is working on execution.
SUCCESS Operation has been completed
RESTORED Result of the Operation has been restored from previous execution.
FAILED Operation has failed during execution.
CANCELED User canceled execution.

Node Status

This enum describes global the state of the Node.

Value Description
CREATED Initial state of the Node. Users can still Modify it.
READY Operation is ready to be used in Graphs.
DEPRECATED Usage of the Operation is not recommended but it can be used.
MANDATORY_DEPRECATED Usage of the Operation is not allowed.