
API docs are outdated. Please contact us for details.


The PLynx REST API allows you to perform most of the actions with Graphs, Operations and Files. The API is hosted under the /plynx/api/v0 route on the PLynx server. For example, to list latest Graphs on backend server hosted at http://localhost:5005, make GET request: http://localhost:5005/plynx/api/v0/graphs.


User session should start with this endpoint. If a user if is verified, response will contain access and refresh tokens.

Endpoint HTTP Method
plynx/api/v0/token GET

Response Structure

Field Name Type Description
status STRING Status of the query. One of the following: success or failed
message STRING Extended status.
access_token STRING Short-term token.
refresh_token STRING Long-term token.

List multiple Graphs

Endpoint HTTP Method
plynx/api/v0/search_graphs POST

System Message: WARNING/2 (/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/plynx/checkouts/latest/docs/rest.rst, line 66)

Blank line required after table.

Get a list of Graphs. You can specify search parameters as a request body, for example:

   "per_page": 20,
   "offset": 0,
   "search":"author:default "

Request Structure

Parameter name Type Default value Description
search STRING "" Search string. See plynx-internal-search-string for more details.
per_page INTEGER 20 Number of instances returned by the query.
offset INTEGER 0 Number of instances to skip.
status STRING or LIST [] List of statuses. See Graph Running Status for more details.

Response Structure

Field Name Type Description
items An array of Graph All experiments.
total_count INTEGER Total number of graphs that meet the query.
status STRING Status of the query. One of the following: success or failed


curl -X POST \
    'http://localhost:5005/plynx/api/v0/search_graphs' \
    -u default: -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"per_page":1, "search":"author:default"}'

Get single Graph

Endpoint HTTP Method
plynx/api/v0/graphs/{graph_id} GET

Get a single Graph in Graph format.

Parameter graph_id is required.

When graph_id == "new" (i.e. curl 'http://localhost:5005/plynx/api/v0/graphs/new' -u default:) PLynx backend will generate a default empty Graph. Please note this new Graph will not be saved in the database. Use POST request instead plynx-rest-post_graph:

Response Structure

Field Name Type Description
data Graph Graph object.
resources_dict plynx-internal-resources_dict Dictionary of available resources types that come as plugins.
status STRING Status of the query. One of the following: success or failed


curl 'http://localhost:5005/plynx/api/v0/graphs/5d1b8469705c1865e288a664' -u default:

Post Graph

Endpoint HTTP Method
plynx/api/v0/graphs POST

This endpoint covers multiple actions with a Graph, such as saving, approving, generating code, etc. A single request can contain a sequence of actions that will be applied in the same order.

Note that some of the actions that require a change in the database, are not always permitted. For example when the user is not the original author of the Graph. In this case the Graph is considered as read only.


Parameter name Type Description
graph Graph Graph object.
action LIST of STRING List of actions. See Actions for more details.


Action Name Description Permission limitations Extra fields in response
SAVE Save the graph. If the Graph with the same Id does not exist, it will be created. Author must match the current user  
APPROVE Save the graph and execute it if it passes validation. Author must match the current user validation_error
VALIDATE Check if the Graph passes validation, i.e. cycles detected, invalid inputs, etc. Any User validation_error
REARRANGE Rearrange Nodes based on topology of the Graph. Any User  
UPGRADE_NODES Replace outdated nodes with new versions Any User upgraded_nodes_count
CANCEL Cancel currently running Graph. Author must match the current user  
GENERATE_CODE Generate python API code that can recreate the same graph. Any User code
CLONE Clone the graph and save it. Any User new_graph_id

Response Structure

Field Name Type Description
graph Graph Graph object.
message STRING Dictionary of available resources types that come as plugins.
status STRING Status of the query. One of the following: success or failed or validation_failed
validation_error (extra) An array of plynx-internal-validation_error If errors found on validation step.
upgraded_nodes_count (extra) INTEGER Dictionary of available resources types that come as plugins.
code (extra) STRING Resulting code

Single action endpoints

Similarly to Actions, you can perform actions with existing Graphs. These POST-requests do not require json data. Backend will use existing Graph instead.

Endpoint HTTP Method Data
plynx/api/v0/graphs/{graph_id}/approve POST None
plynx/api/v0/graphs/{graph_id}/validate POST None
plynx/api/v0/graphs/{graph_id}/rearrange POST None
plynx/api/v0/graphs/{graph_id}/upgrade_nodes POST None
plynx/api/v0/graphs/{graph_id}/cancel POST None
plynx/api/v0/graphs/{graph_id}/generate_code POST None
plynx/api/v0/graphs/{graph_id}/clone POST None

Additional PATCH endpoint is available to update the Graph.

Endpoint HTTP Method Data
plynx/api/v0/graphs/{graph_id}/update PATCH JSON, required


# Clone existing Graph
curl -X POST \
    'http://localhost:5005/plynx/api/v0/graphs/5d1b8469705c1865e288a664/clone' \
    -u default:
# {"status": "SUCCESS", "message": "Actions completed with Graph(_id=`5d1b8469705c1865e288a664`)", "graph": {"_id": "5d291e57713b286094d4ad85", "title": "hello world", "description": "Description", "graph_running_status": "CREATED", "author": "5d0686aa52691468eaef391c", "nodes": [{"_id": "5d27e3bd0f432b5e3693314c", "title": "Sum", "description": "Sum values", "base_node_name": "python", "parent_node": "5d27b8dd50e56dbbce063449", "successor_node": null, "inputs": [{"name": "input", "file_types": ["file"], "values": [], "min_count": 1, "max_count": -1}], "outputs": [{"name": "output", "file_type": "file", "resource_id": null}], "parameters": [{"name": "cmd", "parameter_type": "code", "value": {"value": "s = 0\nfor filename in input[\"input\"]:\n    with open(filename) as fi:\n        s += sum([int(line) for line in fi])\nwith open(output[\"output\"], \"w\") as fo:\n    fo.write(\"{}\\n\".format(s))\n", "mode": "python"}, "mutable_type": false, "removable": false, "publicable": false, "widget": null}, {"name": "cacheable", "parameter_type": "bool", "value": true, "mutable_type": false, "removable": false, "publicable": false, "widget": null}], "logs": [{"name": "stderr", "file_type": "file", "resource_id": null}, {"name": "stdout", "file_type": "file", "resource_id": null}, {"name": "worker", "file_type": "file", "resource_id": null}], "node_running_status": "CREATED", "node_status": "READY", "cache_url": "", "x": 190, "y": 143, "author": "5d0686aa52691468eaef391c", "starred": false}]}, "url": "http://localhost:3001/graphs/5d291e57713b286094d4ad85", "new_graph_id": "5d291e57713b286094d4ad85"}

# Change Title and Description
# Note "new_graph_id": "5d291e57713b286094d4ad85"
curl -X PATCH \
    'http://localhost:5005/plynx/api/v0/graphs/5d1b8469705c1865e288a664/update' \
    -u default: -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"title": "Custom title", "description":"Custom Description"}'

# Execute the Graph:
curl -X POST \
    'http://localhost:5005/plynx/api/v0/graphs/5d1b8469705c1865e288a664/approve' \
    -u default:

List multiple Nodes

Note Files and Operations internally are represented as Nodes.

Endpoint HTTP Method
plynx/api/v0/search_nodes POST

Get a list of Nodes. You can specify search parameters as a request body, for example:

   "per_page": 20,
   "offset": 0,
   "search":"author:default "

Request Structure

Parameter name Type Default value Description
search STRING "" Search string. See plynx-internal-search-string for more details.
per_page INTEGER 20 Number of instances returned by the query.
offset INTEGER 0 Number of instances to skip.
status STRING or LIST [] List of statuses. See Node Status for more details.
base_node_names LIST of plynx-internal-base_node [] List of base nodes. See plynx-internal-base_node for more details.

Response Structure

Field Name Type Description
items An array of Node Nodes (Operations and Files)
resources_dict An array of plynx-internal-resources_dict List of resources available in the platform.
total_count INTEGER Total number of nodes that meet the query.
status STRING Status of the query. One of the following: success or failed


curl -X POST \
    'http://localhost:5005/plynx/api/v0/search_nodes' \
    -u default: -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"per_page":1, "search":"author:default"}'

Get single Node

Endpoint HTTP Method
plynx/api/v0/nodes/{node_id} GET

Get a single Graph in Node format.

There are special cases when node_id is base_node_name, i.e. curl 'http://localhost:5005/plynx/api/v0/nodes/python' or curl 'http://localhost:5005/plynx/api/v0/nodes/bash_jinja2'. Backend will generate a default Operation.

Response Structure

Field Name Type Description
data Node Node object.
resources_dict plynx-internal-resources_dict Dictionary of available resources types that come as plugins.
status STRING Status of the query. One of the following: success or failed


curl 'http://localhost:5005/plynx/api/v0/nodes/5d27b8dd50e56dbbce063449' -u default:

Post Node

Endpoint HTTP Method
plynx/api/v0/nodes POST

This endpoint covers multiple actions with a Node, such as saving, approving, deprecating, etc.

Note that some of the actions that require a change in the database, are not always permitted. For example when the user is not the original author of the Node. In this case the Node is considered as read only.


Parameter name Type Description
node Node Node object.
action STRING List of actions. See Actions for more details.


Action Name Description Permission limitations Extra fields in response
SAVE Save the Node. If the Node with the same Id does not exist, it will be created. Author must match the current user  
APPROVE Save the Node and make accessible in Graphs if it passes validation. Author must match the current user validation_error
VALIDATE Check if the Node passes validation, i.e. incorrect parameter values. Any User validation_error
DEPRECATE Deprecate the Node. User will still be able to use it. Author must match the current user  
MANDATORY_DEPRECATE Deprecate the Node mandatory. Users will no longer be able to use it. Author must match the current user validation_error
PREVIEW_CMD Preview exec script. Any User validation_error

Response Structure

Field Name Type Description
node Node Node object.
message STRING Extended status.
status STRING Status of the query. One of the following: success or failed or validation_failed
validation_error (extra) An array of plynx-internal-validation_error If errors found on validation step.
preview_text (extra) STRING Resulting code.

Upload File

This endpoint will create a new Node with type File. If you work with large files it is recommended to use an external file storage and Operation that downloads the file (i.e. S3).

Endpoint HTTP Method Data
plynx/api/v0/upload_file POST or PUT Forms, required
Form Description
data Binary data of the file.
title Title of the file
description Description of the file
file_type Type, i.e. file, csv, image, etc.


curl \
    -X POST \
    'http://localhost:5005/plynx/api/v0/upload_file' \
    -u default: \
    -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
    -F data=@/tmp/a.csv \
    -F title=report \
    -F description=2019 \
    -F file_type=csv
    -F node_kind=basic-file

Modify existing Graphs

Endpoint HTTP Method Data
plynx/api/v0/graphs/{graph_id}/nodes/list_nodes GET None
plynx/api/v0/graphs/{graph_id}/nodes/insert_node POST

node_id: required.

x: optional. Default: 0.

y: optional. Default: 0.

plynx/api/v0/graphs/{graph_id}/nodes/remove_node POST node_id: required.
plynx/api/v0/graphs/{graph_id}/nodes/create_link POST

from: required. Type: Object. Output node description.

from.node_id: required.

from.resource: required. Name of the Output

to: required. Type: Object. Input node description.

to.node_id: required.

to.resource: required. Name of the Input

plynx/api/v0/graphs/{graph_id}/nodes/remove_link POST

from: required. Type: Object. Output node description.

from.node_id: required.

from.resource: required. Name of the Output

to: required. Type: Object. Input node description.

to.node_id: required.

to.resource: required. Name of the Input

plynx/api/v0/graphs/{graph_id}/nodes/change_parameter POST

node_id: required.

parameter_name: required.

parameter_value: required.


curl -X POST 'http://localhost:5005/plynx/api/v0/graphs/5d292406713b286094d4ad87/nodes/insert_node' \
    -u default: -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"node_id": "5d2d4b1dc36682386f559eae", "x": 100, "y": 100}'

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:5005/plynx/api/v0/graphs/5d292406713b286094d4ad87/nodes/remove_node' \
    -u default: -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"node_id": "5d27e3bd0f432b5e3693314c"}'

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:5005/plynx/api/v0/graphs/5d292406713b286094d4ad87/nodes/create_link' \
    -u default: -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"from": {"node_id": "5d2fbdf3373d3b7ce6e69043", "resource": "out"}, "to": {"node_id": "5d3081ea99d54c7b6b8ff56b", "resource": "input"}}'

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:5005/plynx/api/v0/graphs/5d292406713b286094d4ad87/nodes/change_parameter' \
    -u default: -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"node_id": "5d30b7eb88fb6a42caf0c565", "parameter_name": "template", "parameter_value": "abc"}'

Working with a single Resource

This endpoint is a proxy between the client and internal PLynx resources.

WARNING: try to avoid calling this endpoint without “preview” argument set to True. Currently PLynx supports multiple data storages and is not optimized for a particular one. It will be fixed in the future versions, exposing additional endpoints.

Endpoint HTTP Method
plynx/api/v0/resources/{resource_id} GET

System Message: WARNING/2 (/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/plynx/checkouts/latest/docs/rest.rst, line 663)

Blank line required after table.

Additional arguments to the endpoint:

Argument Type Description
preview BOOLEAN Preview flag (default: false)
file_type STRING One of the plugins. See plynx-internal-file-types for more details.

Get state of the Master

When Master is running, it periodically syncs its state with PLynx database. Use this endpoint to access it. See See plynx-internal-master_state.

Endpoint HTTP Method
plynx/api/v0/master_state GET


curl 'http://localhost:5005/plynx/api/v0/master_state' -u default: