
Standard Executors that support running on local machine.

Module Contents

plynx.plugins.executors.local.prepare_parameters_for_python(parameters: List[Parameter]) → Dict[str, Any][source]

Pythonize parameters

class plynx.plugins.executors.local._ResourceMerger(init_level_0: List[str], init_level_1: List[str])[source]
append(self, resource_dict: Dict[str, List[str]], resource_name: str, is_list: bool)[source]

Append values to the resource


Return original dict.

Out: Dict

class plynx.plugins.executors.local.BaseBash(node: Optional[Node] = None)[source]

Bases: plynx.plugins.executors.bases.PLynxAsyncExecutorWithDirectory

Base Executor that will use unix bash as a backend.

exec_script(self, script_location: str)[source]

Execute the script when inputs are initialized.

static _make_debug_text(text: str)[source]
classmethod get_default_node(cls, is_workflow: bool)[source]
_prepare_inputs(self, preview: bool = False)[source]
_prepare_outputs(self, preview: bool = False)[source]
_get_script_fname(self, extension: str = '.sh')[source]
_postprocess_outputs(self, outputs: Dict[str, str])[source]
upload_logs(self, final: bool = False)[source]

Upload logs to the storage. When Final is False, only upload on update

run(self, preview=False)[source]
class plynx.plugins.executors.local.BashJinja2[source]

Bases: plynx.plugins.executors.local.BaseBash

Local executor that uses jinja2 template to format a bash script.

HELP_TEMPLATE = # Use templates: {}[source]

System Message: WARNING/2 (/home/docs/checkouts/, line 157)

Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

# For example {{{{ ‘{{{{’ }}}} params[‘_timeout’] {{{{ ‘}}}}’ }}}} or {{{{ ‘{{{{’ }}}} inputs[‘abc’] {{{{ ‘}}}}’ }}}}

run(self, preview: bool = False)[source]
classmethod get_default_node(cls, is_workflow: bool)[source]
class plynx.plugins.executors.local.PythonNode(node: Optional[Node] = None)[source]

Bases: plynx.plugins.executors.local.BaseBash

Local executor that uses python template to format a bash script.

run(self, preview: bool = False)[source]
classmethod _get_arguments_string(cls, var_name: str, arguments: Dict[str, Any])[source]
static _pythonize(value: Any)[source]
classmethod get_default_node(cls, is_workflow: bool)[source]
class plynx.plugins.executors.local.File[source]

Bases: plynx.plugins.executors.bases.PLynxAsyncExecutor

Dummy executor that represents STATIC Operations.

run(self, preview: bool = False)[source]
classmethod get_default_node(cls, is_workflow: bool)[source]