Source code for plynx.db.node

"""Node DB Object and utils"""
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Union

from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
from past.builtins import basestring

from plynx.constants import PRIMITIVE_TYPES, Collections, NodeClonePolicy, NodeOrigin, NodeRunningStatus, NodeStatus, ParameterTypes
from plynx.db.db_object import DBObject
from plynx.plugins.resources.common import FILE_KIND
from plynx.utils.common import ObjectId

# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
[docs]def _clone_update_in_place(node: "Node", node_clone_policy: int, override_finished_state: bool, override_node_id: bool = False): if node.node_running_status == NodeRunningStatus.SPECIAL: for output in node.outputs: output.values = [] return node old_node_id = node._id node.template_node_id = node._id if override_node_id: node._id = ObjectId() node.successor_node_id = None if node_clone_policy == NodeClonePolicy.NODE_TO_NODE: node.parent_node_id = old_node_id node.original_node_id = None elif node_clone_policy == NodeClonePolicy.NODE_TO_RUN: node.parent_node_id = None node.original_node_id = node.original_node_id or old_node_id elif node_clone_policy == NodeClonePolicy.RUN_TO_NODE: node.parent_node_id = node.original_node_id node.original_node_id = None else: raise Exception(f"Unknown clone policy `{node_clone_policy}`") if node.node_running_status == NodeRunningStatus.STATIC: return node if override_finished_state or not NodeRunningStatus.is_succeeded(node.node_running_status): node.node_running_status = NodeRunningStatus.READY node.node_status = NodeStatus.CREATED sub_nodes = node.get_parameter_by_name_safe('_nodes') if sub_nodes: object_id_mapping = {} for sub_node in sub_nodes.value.value: prev_id = ObjectId(sub_node._id) _clone_update_in_place(sub_node, node_clone_policy, override_finished_state) object_id_mapping[prev_id] = sub_node._id for sub_node in sub_nodes.value.value: for input in sub_node.inputs: # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin input.values = [] for input_reference in input.input_references: input_reference.node_id = object_id_mapping[ObjectId(input_reference.node_id)] for parameter in sub_node.parameters: if not parameter.reference: continue parameter.value = node.get_parameter_by_name(parameter.reference).value if sub_node.node_running_status == NodeRunningStatus.STATIC: # do not copy the rest of the elements because they don't change continue if override_finished_state or not NodeRunningStatus.is_succeeded(sub_node.node_running_status): for output in sub_node.outputs: output.values = [] for log in sub_node.logs: log.values = [] if override_finished_state or not NodeRunningStatus.is_succeeded(node.node_running_status): for output_or_log in node.outputs + node.logs: output_or_log.values = [] return node
@dataclass_json @dataclass
[docs]class _BaseResource(DBObject):
[docs] name: str = ""
[docs] file_type: str = FILE_KIND
[docs] values: List[Any] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] is_array: bool = False
[docs] min_count: int = 1
@dataclass_json @dataclass
[docs]class Output(_BaseResource): """Basic Output structure."""
[docs] thumbnail: Optional[str] = None
@dataclass_json @dataclass
[docs]class InputReference(DBObject): """Basic Value of the Input structure."""
[docs] node_id: ObjectId = field(default_factory=ObjectId)
[docs] output_id: str = ""
@dataclass_json @dataclass
[docs]class Input(_BaseResource): """Basic Input structure."""
[docs] primitive_override: Any = None
[docs] input_references: List[InputReference] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] def __post_init__(self): """Set default primitive_override if it is not set and file_type is primitive""" if self.primitive_override is None and self.file_type in PRIMITIVE_TYPES: self.primitive_override = _get_default_by_type(self.file_type)
[docs] def add_input_reference(self, node_id: ObjectId, output_id: str): """Add input reference to the input""" self.input_references.append(InputReference(node_id=node_id, output_id=output_id))
@dataclass_json @dataclass
[docs]class CachedNode(DBObject): """Values to override Node on display"""
[docs] node_running_status: str = NodeRunningStatus.CREATED
[docs] outputs: List[Output] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] logs: List[Output] = field(default_factory=list)
@dataclass_json @dataclass
[docs]class Node(DBObject): """Basic Node with db interface.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
[docs] DB_COLLECTION = Collections.TEMPLATES
[docs] _id: ObjectId = field(default_factory=ObjectId)
[docs] _type: str = "Node"
[docs] _cached_node: Optional[CachedNode] = None
[docs] title: str = "Title"
[docs] description: str = ""
[docs] kind: str = "dummy"
# ID of previous version of the node, always refer to `nodes` collection.
[docs] parent_node_id: Optional[ObjectId] = None
# ID of next version of the node, always refer to `nodes` collection.
[docs] successor_node_id: Optional[ObjectId] = None
# ID of original node, used in `runs`, always refer to `nodes` collection. # A Run refers to original node
[docs] original_node_id: Optional[ObjectId] = None
[docs] template_node_id: Optional[ObjectId] = None
[docs] origin: str = NodeOrigin.DB
# The following `code_*` values defined when the operation declared outside of plynx DB # code_hash is a hash value of the code
[docs] code_hash: str = ""
# code_function_location refers to the location of the function
[docs] code_function_location: Optional[str] = None
[docs] node_running_status: str = NodeRunningStatus.CREATED
[docs] node_status: str = NodeStatus.CREATED
[docs] cache_url: Optional[str] = None
[docs] x: int = 0
[docs] y: int = 0
[docs] author: Optional[ObjectId] = None
[docs] starred: bool = False
[docs] auto_sync: bool = True
[docs] auto_run: bool = True
[docs] auto_run_enabled: bool = True
# latest_run_id would be used in Templates to refer to the current run
[docs] latest_run_id: Optional[ObjectId] = None
[docs] inputs: List[Input] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] parameters: List["Parameter"] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] outputs: List[Output] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] logs: List[Output] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] def _default_log(name: str) -> Output: return Output( name=name, file_type=FILE_KIND, values=[], is_array=False, min_count=1,
) # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
[docs] def apply_properties(self, other_node: "Node"): """Apply Properties and Inputs of another Node. This method is used for updating nodes. Args: other_node (Node): A node to copy Properties and Inputs from """ for other_input in other_node.inputs: for input in self.inputs: # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin if == and \ other_input.file_type == input.file_type and ( input.is_array or (not input.is_array and 1 == len(other_input.input_references)) ): input.input_references = other_input.input_references break for other_parameter in other_node.parameters: for parameter in self.parameters: if == if parameter.parameter_type == other_parameter.parameter_type and parameter.widget: parameter.value = other_parameter.value break self.description = other_node.description self.x = other_node.x self.y = other_node.y
[docs] def clone(self, node_clone_policy: int, override_finished_state: bool = True) -> "Node": """Return a cloned copy of a Node""" node = _clone_update_in_place(Node.from_dict(self.to_dict()), node_clone_policy, override_finished_state, override_node_id=True) return node
[docs] def _get_custom_element( self, arr: Union[List[Input], List["Parameter"], List[Output]], name: str, throw: bool, default: Optional[Callable[[str], Union[Input, "Parameter", Output]]] = None ): for obj in arr: if == name: return obj if throw: raise Exception(f'Object "{name}" not found in {self.title}') if default: arr.append(default(name=name)) # type: ignore return arr[-1] return None
[docs] def get_input_by_name(self, name: str) -> Input: """Find Input object""" return self._get_custom_element(self.inputs, name, throw=True)
[docs] def get_parameter_by_name(self, name: str) -> "Parameter": """Find Parameter object""" return self._get_custom_element(self.parameters, name, throw=True)
[docs] def get_parameter_by_name_safe(self, name: str) -> Optional["Parameter"]: """Find Parameter object""" return self._get_custom_element(self.parameters, name, throw=False)
[docs] def get_output_by_name(self, name: str) -> Output: """Find Output object""" return self._get_custom_element(self.outputs, name, throw=True)
[docs] def get_log_by_name(self, name: str) -> Output: """Find Log object""" return self._get_custom_element(self.logs, name, throw=False, default=Node._default_log)
[docs] def get_sub_nodes(self) -> List["Node"]: """Get a list of subnodes""" sub_nodes_parameter = self.get_parameter_by_name_safe('_nodes') if not sub_nodes_parameter: raise Exception("Subnodes not found") return sub_nodes_parameter.value.value
@dataclass_json @dataclass
[docs]class ParameterEnum(DBObject): """Enum value."""
[docs] values: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] index: int = 0
@dataclass_json @dataclass
[docs]class ParameterCode(DBObject): """Code value."""
[docs] value: str = ""
[docs] mode: str = "python"
@dataclass_json @dataclass
[docs]class ParameterListOfNodes(DBObject): """List Of Nodes value."""
[docs] value: List[Node] = field(default_factory=list)
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
[docs]def _get_default_by_type(parameter_type: str): if parameter_type == ParameterTypes.STR: return '' if parameter_type == ParameterTypes.INT: return 0 if parameter_type == ParameterTypes.FLOAT: return 0 if parameter_type == ParameterTypes.BOOL: return False if parameter_type == ParameterTypes.TEXT: return '' if parameter_type == ParameterTypes.ENUM: return ParameterEnum() if parameter_type == ParameterTypes.LIST_STR: return [] if parameter_type == ParameterTypes.LIST_INT: return [] elif parameter_type == ParameterTypes.LIST_NODE: return ParameterListOfNodes() elif parameter_type == ParameterTypes.CODE: return ParameterCode() elif parameter_type == ParameterTypes.COLOR: return '#FF0000' else: return None
[docs]def _value_is_valid(value, parameter_type: str): if parameter_type == ParameterTypes.STR: return isinstance(value, basestring) if parameter_type == ParameterTypes.INT: try: int(value) except ValueError: return False return True if parameter_type == ParameterTypes.FLOAT: try: float(str(value)) except ValueError: return False return True if parameter_type == ParameterTypes.BOOL: return isinstance(value, int) if parameter_type == ParameterTypes.TEXT: return isinstance(value, basestring) if parameter_type == ParameterTypes.ENUM: return isinstance(value, ParameterEnum) if parameter_type == ParameterTypes.LIST_STR: return isinstance(value, list) and all(_value_is_valid(x, ParameterTypes.STR) for x in value) if parameter_type == ParameterTypes.LIST_INT: return isinstance(value, list) and all(_value_is_valid(x, ParameterTypes.INT) for x in value) elif parameter_type == ParameterTypes.LIST_NODE: # TODO proper validation return isinstance(value, ParameterListOfNodes) if parameter_type == ParameterTypes.CODE: return isinstance(value, ParameterCode) else: return False
@dataclass_json @dataclass
[docs]class Parameter(DBObject): """Basic Parameter structure.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
[docs] name: str = ""
[docs] parameter_type: str = ParameterTypes.STR
# TODO make type factory
[docs] value: Any = ""
[docs] mutable_type: bool = True
[docs] removable: bool = True
[docs] publicable: bool = True
[docs] widget: Optional[str] = None
[docs] reference: Optional[str] = None
[docs] def __post_init__(self): # `value` field is a special case: the type depends on `parameter_type` if self.value is None: self.value = _get_default_by_type(self.parameter_type) elif self.parameter_type == ParameterTypes.ENUM: self.value = ParameterEnum.from_dict(self.value) elif self.parameter_type == ParameterTypes.CODE: self.value = ParameterCode.from_dict(self.value) elif self.parameter_type == ParameterTypes.LIST_NODE: self.value = ParameterListOfNodes.from_dict(self.value) if not _value_is_valid(self.value, self.parameter_type): raise ValueError(f"Invalid parameter value type: {}: {self.value}")