Source code for plynx.db.node_cache

"""Node Cache and utils"""

import hashlib
from builtins import str
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List, Optional

from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json

from plynx.constants import IGNORED_CACHE_PARAMETERS, Collections
from plynx.db.db_object import DBObject
from plynx.db.node import Node, Output
from plynx.utils.common import ObjectId
from plynx.utils.config import DemoConfig, get_demo_config

[docs]demo_config: DemoConfig = get_demo_config()
@dataclass_json @dataclass
[docs]class NodeCache(DBObject): """Basic Node Cache with db interface.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
[docs] DB_COLLECTION = Collections.NODE_CACHE
[docs] _id: ObjectId = field(default_factory=ObjectId)
[docs] key: str = ""
[docs] node_id: Optional[ObjectId] = None
[docs] run_id: Optional[ObjectId] = None
[docs] outputs: List[Output] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] logs: List[Output] = field(default_factory=list)
# TODO check if those are working
[docs] removed: bool = False
[docs] protected: bool = False
[docs] def instantiate(node: Node, run_id: ObjectId) -> "NodeCache": """Instantiate a Node Cache from Node. Args: node (Node): Node object run_id (ObjectId): Run ID Return: (NodeCache) """ return NodeCache( key=NodeCache.generate_key(node), node_id=node._id, run_id=run_id, outputs=node.outputs, logs=node.logs,
) @staticmethod
[docs] def generate_key(node: Node) -> str: """Generate hash. Args: node (Node): Node object Return: (str) Hash value """ inputs = node.inputs parameters = node.parameters original_node_id = node.original_node_id sorted_inputs = sorted(inputs, key=lambda x: inputs_hash = ','.join([ f"{}:{','.join(sorted(map(str, input.values)))}" for input in sorted_inputs ]) sorted_parameters = sorted(parameters, key=lambda x: parameters_hash = ','.join([ f"{}:{parameter.value}" for parameter in sorted_parameters if not in IGNORED_CACHE_PARAMETERS ]) return hashlib.sha256( ';'.join([ str(original_node_id), inputs_hash, parameters_hash, ]).encode('utf-8')