Source code for plynx.db.run_cancellation_manager

"""Cancelation DB Object and utils"""
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List, Optional

from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json

from plynx.constants import Collections
from plynx.db.db_object import DBObject
from plynx.utils.common import ObjectId
from plynx.utils.db_connector import get_db_connector

[docs]class RunCancellation(DBObject): """RunCancellation represents Run Cancellation event in the database."""
[docs] _id: ObjectId = field(default_factory=ObjectId)
[docs] run_id: Optional[ObjectId] = None
[docs]class RunCancellationManager: """RunCancellationManager contains basic operations related to `runs_cancellations` collection."""
[docs] run_id: ObjectId
[docs] def cancel_run(run_id: ObjectId): """Cancel Run. Args: run_id (ObjectId) RunID """ run_cancellation = RunCancellation( run_id=run_id, ) return True
[docs] def get_run_cancellations() -> List[RunCancellation]: """Get all Run Cancellation events""" res = [] for runs_cancellation_dict in get_db_connector()[Collections.RUN_CANCELLATIONS].find(): res.append( RunCancellation.from_dict(runs_cancellation_dict) ) return res
[docs] def remove(runs_cancellation_ids: List[ObjectId]): """Remove Run Cancellation events with given Ids Args: runs_cancellation_ids (list of ObjectID) List of Run IDs to remove """ get_db_connector()[Collections.RUN_CANCELLATIONS].delete_many({'_id': {'$in': runs_cancellation_ids}})