Source code for plynx.plugins.hubs.static_list

"""Plynx standard Hub based on the fixed list of Operations"""
import copy
import json
import os
from typing import Any, Dict, List

from plynx.base import hub
from plynx.constants import HubSearchParams
from plynx.db.node import Node
from plynx.utils.common import parse_search_string
from plynx.utils.hub_node_registry import registry

[docs]def register_list_item(raw_item: Dict) -> Dict: """ Register a hub node (node or group) recursevely in the memory. """ if raw_item['_type'] == 'Group': # TODO proper checking items = [] for raw_subitem in raw_item['items']: items.append(register_list_item(raw_subitem)) raw_item['items'] = items return raw_item # check if the node is valid node = Node.from_dict(raw_item) registry.register_node(node) return node.to_dict()
[docs]def _recursive_filter(search_parameters: Dict[str, str], search_string: str, list_of_nodes: List[Dict]): res = [] for raw_node in list_of_nodes: if raw_node["_type"] == "Group": raw_group = copy.deepcopy(raw_node) raw_group['items'] = _recursive_filter(search_parameters, search_string, raw_group['items']) res.append(raw_group) elif len(search_string) == 0 or search_string.upper() in raw_node['title'].upper(): input_file_type = search_parameters.get(HubSearchParams.INPUT_FILE_TYPE, None) output_file_type = search_parameters.get(HubSearchParams.OUTPUT_FILE_TYPE, None) if input_file_type: for input in raw_node["inputs"]: # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin if input["file_type"] == input_file_type: break else: continue if output_file_type: for output in raw_node["outputs"]: if output["file_type"] == output_file_type: break else: continue res.append(raw_node) return res
[docs]class StaticListHub(hub.BaseHub): """Plynx standard Hub based on the fixed list of Operations""" def __init__(self, list_nodes_path: str): super().__init__() if not os.path.exists(list_nodes_path): raise Exception(f"List of nodes `{list_nodes_path}` not found") with open(list_nodes_path, "r") as f: self.list_of_nodes = json.load(f) for node_dict in self.list_of_nodes: register_list_item(node_dict)
[docs] def search(self, query: hub.Query) -> Dict[str, Any]: # TODO use search_parameters # TODO should parse_search_string be removed from nodes_collection? search_parameters, search_string = parse_search_string( res = _recursive_filter(search_parameters, search_string, self.list_of_nodes) return { 'list': res, 'metadata': [ { 'total': len(res)
}, ], }