Source code for plynx.utils.node_utils

"""This module contais utils related to plynx.db.Node, but not necessary involved into DB structure"""
import hashlib
import logging as logger
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from typing import Deque, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple

import plynx.db.node_collection_manager
from plynx.constants import IGNORED_CACHE_PARAMETERS, Collections, NodeClonePolicy, NodeRunningStatus, ParameterTypes, SpecialNodeId
from plynx.db.node import CachedNode, Node
from plynx.utils.common import ObjectId, to_object_id

[docs]node_collection_managers = { collection: plynx.db.node_collection_manager.NodeCollectionManager(collection=collection) for collection in [Collections.TEMPLATES, Collections.RUNS]
[docs]class _GraphVertex: """Used for internal purposes.""" def __init__(self): self.edges = [] self.num_connections = 0
[docs]class GraphError(Exception): """Generic Graph topology exception"""
[docs]def _generate_parameters_key(node: Node) -> str: """Generate hash key based on parameters only. Args: node (Node): Node object Return: (str) Hash value """ parameters = node.parameters sorted_parameters = sorted(parameters, key=lambda x: parameters_hash = ','.join([ f"{}:{parameter.value}" for parameter in sorted_parameters if not in IGNORED_CACHE_PARAMETERS ]) return hashlib.sha256( ';'.join([ parameters_hash, ]).encode('utf-8')
[docs]def node_inputs_and_params_are_identical(subnode: Node, other_subnode: Node) -> bool: """ Check if two nodes are identical in terms of inputs and parameters """ # TODO: check is final state this_cache = _generate_parameters_key(subnode) other_node_cache = _generate_parameters_key(other_subnode) if this_cache != other_node_cache: return False tmp_inputs = [] for input in subnode.inputs: # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin for input_reference in input.input_references: tmp_inputs.append(f"{input_reference.node_id}-{input_reference.output_id}") if len(input.input_references) == 0: tmp_inputs.append(str(input.primitive_override)) sub_node_inputs_hash = ",".join(tmp_inputs) tmp_inputs = [] for input in other_subnode.inputs: # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin for input_reference in input.input_references: tmp_inputs.append(f"{input_reference.node_id}-{input_reference.output_id}") if len(input.input_references) == 0: tmp_inputs.append(str(input.primitive_override)) other_subnode_inputs_hash = ",".join(tmp_inputs) if sub_node_inputs_hash != other_subnode_inputs_hash: return False return True
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
[docs]def augment_node_with_cache(node: Node, other_node: Node) -> None: """ Augment the Node in templates with a Node in Run. Results will be stored in `_cached_node` fields of the subnodes and not applied directly. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # TODO optimize function and remove too-many-locals node._cached_node = None subnodes_parameter = node.get_parameter_by_name_safe('_nodes') if not subnodes_parameter: # TODO check if cacheable # TODO probably never called. # TODO Update when run augmentation recursevely raise NotImplementedError("Subnodes are not found") id_to_node = {} for subnode in subnodes_parameter.value.value: subnode._cached_node = None obj_id = to_object_id(subnode._id) id_to_node[obj_id] = subnode for subnode, other_subnode in traverse_left_join(node, other_node): if other_subnode is None: continue if not node_inputs_and_params_are_identical(subnode, other_subnode): continue tmp_refs_is_cached = True for input in subnode.inputs: # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin for input_reference in input.input_references: ref_node_id = input_reference.node_id if id_to_node[to_object_id(ref_node_id)]._cached_node is None: tmp_refs_is_cached = False if not tmp_refs_is_cached: continue subnode._cached_node = CachedNode( node_running_status=other_subnode.node_running_status, outputs=other_subnode.outputs, logs=other_subnode.logs,
[docs]def traverse_reversed(node: Node): """ Traverse the subnodes in a reversed from the topoligical order. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches sub_nodes_parameter = node.get_parameter_by_name_safe('_nodes') if not sub_nodes_parameter: yield node return sub_nodes = sub_nodes_parameter.value.value if len(sub_nodes) == 0: return id_to_vertex = {sub_node._id: _GraphVertex() for sub_node in sub_nodes} dfs_queue: Deque[ObjectId] = deque() node_index = {} for sub_node in sub_nodes: node_index[sub_node._id] = sub_node for input in sub_node.inputs: # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin for input_reference in input.input_references: ref_node_id = to_object_id(input_reference.node_id) id_to_vertex[sub_node._id].edges.append(ref_node_id) id_to_vertex[ref_node_id].num_connections += 1 for vertex_id, vertex in id_to_vertex.items(): if vertex.num_connections == 0: dfs_queue.append(vertex_id) if len(dfs_queue) == 0: raise GraphError("No node without outgoing output found") while dfs_queue: node_id = dfs_queue.popleft() yield node_index[node_id] for vertex_id in id_to_vertex[node_id].edges: id_to_vertex[vertex_id].num_connections -= 1 if id_to_vertex[vertex_id].num_connections == 0: dfs_queue.append(vertex_id) for vertex_id, vertex in id_to_vertex.items(): if vertex.num_connections != 0: raise GraphError("Unresolved connections")
[docs]def traverse_in_order(node: Node): """ Traverse the subnodes in a topoligical order. """ nodes = list(traverse_reversed(node)) return reversed(nodes)
# pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements
[docs]def arrange_auto_layout(node: Node, readonly: bool = False): """Use heuristic to rearange nodes.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-many-branches,too-many-locals,too-many-statements HEADER_HEIGHT = 23 TITLE_HEIGHT = 20 FOOTER_HEIGHT = 10 BORDERS_HEIGHT = 2 # ITEM_HEIGHT = 20 ITEM_HEIGHT = 30 OUTPUT_ITEM_HEIGHT = 100 SPACE_HEIGHT = 50 LEVEL_WIDTH = 300 SPECIAL_PARAMETER_HEIGHT = 20 SPECIAL_PARAMETER_TYPES = [ParameterTypes.CODE] min_node_height = HEADER_HEIGHT + TITLE_HEIGHT + FOOTER_HEIGHT + BORDERS_HEIGHT node_id_to_level = defaultdict(lambda: -1) node_id_to_node = {} queued_node_ids = set() children_ids = defaultdict(set) sub_nodes = node.get_parameter_by_name('_nodes').value.value if len(sub_nodes) == 0: return node_ids = {node._id for node in sub_nodes} non_zero_node_ids = set() for sub_node in sub_nodes: node_id_to_node[sub_node._id] = sub_node for input in sub_node.inputs: # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin for input_reference in input.input_references: parent_node_id = ObjectId(input_reference.node_id) non_zero_node_ids.add(parent_node_id) children_ids[parent_node_id].add(sub_node._id) leaves = node_ids - non_zero_node_ids to_visit: deque = deque() # Alwasy put Output Node in the end push_special = SpecialNodeId.OUTPUT in leaves and len(leaves) > 1 for leaf_id in leaves: node_id_to_level[leaf_id] = 1 if push_special and leaf_id != SpecialNodeId.OUTPUT else 0 to_visit.append(leaf_id) while to_visit: node_id = to_visit.popleft() sub_node = node_id_to_node[node_id] node_level = max([node_id_to_level[node_id]] + [node_id_to_level[child_id] + 1 for child_id in children_ids[node_id]]) node_id_to_level[node_id] = node_level for input in sub_node.inputs: # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin for input_reference in input.input_references: parent_node_id = ObjectId(input_reference.node_id) parent_level = node_id_to_level[parent_node_id] node_id_to_level[parent_node_id] = max(node_level + 1, parent_level) if parent_node_id not in queued_node_ids: to_visit.append(parent_node_id) queued_node_ids.add(parent_node_id) max_level = max(node_id_to_level.values()) level_to_node_ids: Dict[int, List[ObjectId]] = defaultdict(list) row_heights: Dict[int, int] = defaultdict(lambda: 0) def get_index_helper(node, level): if level < 0: return 0 parent_node_ids = set() for input in node.inputs: # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin for input_reference in input.input_references: parent_node_ids.add(ObjectId(input_reference.node_id)) for index, node_id in enumerate(level_to_node_ids[level]): if node_id in parent_node_ids: return index return -1 def get_index(node, max_level, level): # pylint: disable=consider-using-generator return tuple( [get_index_helper(node, lvl) for lvl in range(max_level, level, -1)] ) for node_id, level in node_id_to_level.items(): level_to_node_ids[level].append(node_id) # Push Input Node up the level if SpecialNodeId.INPUT in node_id_to_level and \ (node_id_to_level[SpecialNodeId.INPUT] != max_level or len(level_to_node_ids[max_level]) > 1): input_level = node_id_to_level[SpecialNodeId.INPUT] level_to_node_ids[input_level] = [node_id for node_id in level_to_node_ids[input_level] if node_id != SpecialNodeId.INPUT] max_level += 1 node_id_to_level[SpecialNodeId.INPUT] = max_level level_to_node_ids[max_level] = [SpecialNodeId.INPUT] for level in range(max_level, -1, -1): level_node_ids = level_to_node_ids[level] index_to_node_id = [] for node_id in level_node_ids: node = node_id_to_node[node_id] index = get_index(node, max_level, level) index_to_node_id.append((index, node_id)) index_to_node_id.sort() level_to_node_ids[level] = [node_id for _, node_id in index_to_node_id] for index, node_id in enumerate(level_to_node_ids[level]): node = node_id_to_node[node_id] special_parameters_count = sum( 1 if parameter.parameter_type in SPECIAL_PARAMETER_TYPES and parameter.widget else 0 for parameter in node.parameters ) node_height = sum([ min_node_height, ITEM_HEIGHT * len(node.inputs) + OUTPUT_ITEM_HEIGHT * len(node.outputs), special_parameters_count * SPECIAL_PARAMETER_HEIGHT ]) row_heights[index] = max(row_heights[index], node_height) # TODO compute grid in a separate function if readonly: return level_to_node_ids, node_id_to_node cum_heights = [0] for _, row_height in row_heights.items(): cum_heights.append(cum_heights[-1] + row_height + SPACE_HEIGHT) max_height = max(cum_heights) for level in range(max_level, -1, -1): level_node_ids = level_to_node_ids[level] level_height = cum_heights[len(level_node_ids)] level_padding = (max_height - level_height) // 2 for index, node_id in enumerate(level_node_ids): node = node_id_to_node[node_id] node.x = (max_level - level) * LEVEL_WIDTH node.y = level_padding + cum_heights[index]
[docs]def apply_cache(node: Node): """Apply cache values to outputs and logs""" sub_nodes_parameter = node.get_parameter_by_name_safe('_nodes') if not sub_nodes_parameter: # TODO check if cacheable raise NotImplementedError("Subnodes not found. Do we want to be here?") sub_nodes = sub_nodes_parameter.value.value for sub_node in sub_nodes: if not sub_node._cached_node: continue sub_node.node_running_status = sub_node._cached_node.node_running_status sub_node.outputs = sub_node._cached_node.outputs sub_node.logs = sub_node._cached_node.logs sub_node._cached_node = None
[docs]def construct_new_run(node: Node, user_id) -> Tuple[Optional[Node], Node]: """ Create a new run based on a Node itself and the latest run as well. """ node = Node.from_dict(node.to_dict()) node_in_run: Optional[Node] = None if node.latest_run_id: node_in_run_dict = node_collection_managers[Collections.RUNS].get_db_node(node.latest_run_id, user_id) if node_in_run_dict: node_in_run = Node.from_dict( node_in_run_dict ) augment_node_with_cache(node, node_in_run) apply_cache(node) else: logger.warning(f"Failed to load a run with id `{node.latest_run_id}`") new_node_in_run = node.clone(NodeClonePolicy.NODE_TO_RUN, override_finished_state=False) return node_in_run, new_node_in_run
[docs]def remove_auto_run_disabled(node: Node): """ Trim the subnodes the way that if there is no need to run a subnode and it is not auto runnable, ignore it. """ node_ids_to_remove = set() for sub_node in traverse_in_order(node): if (not sub_node.auto_run or not sub_node.auto_run_enabled) and not NodeRunningStatus.is_succeeded(sub_node.node_running_status): node_ids_to_remove.add(sub_node._id) for input in sub_node.inputs: # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin for input_reference in input.input_references: if input_reference.node_id in node_ids_to_remove: node_ids_to_remove.add(sub_node._id) if len(node_ids_to_remove) == 0: return sub_nodes_parameter = node.get_parameter_by_name_safe('_nodes') if not sub_nodes_parameter: logger.warning("remove_auto_run_disabled(..): are we supposed to be here?") return sub_nodes = sub_nodes_parameter.value.value sub_nodes_parameter.value.value = list(filter(lambda sn: sn._id not in node_ids_to_remove, sub_nodes))
[docs]def calc_status_to_node_ids(node: Optional[Node]) -> Dict[str, Set[ObjectId]]: """ Make a map node_running_status to list of ids. """ res: Dict[str, Set[ObjectId]] = defaultdict(set) if not node: return res for sub_node in node.get_sub_nodes(): res[sub_node.node_running_status].add(sub_node._id) return res
[docs]def reset_nodes(node: Node): """ Reset statuses of the sub-nodes as well as logs and outputs """ for sub_node in node.get_sub_nodes(): if NodeRunningStatus.is_non_changeable(sub_node.node_running_status): continue sub_node.node_running_status = NodeRunningStatus.READY for resource in sub_node.outputs + sub_node.logs: resource.values = [] sub_node._cached_node = None
[docs]def traverse_left_join(node: Node, other_node: Node): """ Traverse two nodes in order and yield pairs of subnodes with the same `_id`. """ other_subnode_map = { other_subnode._id: other_subnode for other_subnode in other_node.get_sub_nodes() } for subnode in traverse_in_order(node): yield subnode, other_subnode_map.get(subnode._id, None)